NordicFuzzCon 2025

Spirits of the Zen Garden

Malmö, Sweden · 19-23 February

Malmö, Sweden
19-23 February

We welcome our guests
NFC Trailer
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Water flowing by your right, a light breeze caressing the wind chimes and the cherry blossom trees on your left. You stop meditating and open your eyes, smiling upon seeing this beautiful zen garden around you. The beautiful scenery and its calmness almost makes you feel like it is all a dream. You decide to get up and stroll around the place.

After passing over a bridge and through a gate, a forest appears. In an attempt to better see and admire it, you rub your eyes and see small spirits: yōkais. Tanukis are running across, chasing each other, while tengus are guarding this sacred place from a few high spots. An old nine-tailed kitsune stands tall in front of you.

Be my guest, there is no need to be afraid’, it says.

It then takes your hands and looks at you:
‘Spirits, please welcome our new guest. Make them feel at home, as a great journey awaits us.’

Welcome to NordicFuzzCon 2025—Spirits of the Zen Garden.



An annual furry convention that takes place in Sweden

We made our debut in 2013 where we had over 170 attendees from over 10 different countries. In 2024 we had 3,704 attendees from over 51 different countries, making us the largest international furry convention in Scandinavia and one of the largest in Europe. We also raised 323,452 SEK for the UAnimals charity.

Iris leaning Tree


We invite you to find your center in the beautiful zen garden underneath the cherry blossom trees, or why not enjoy a cup of tea by the koi pond?

Mausie and Iris


Mausie and Iris here! We are cousins, and we are rauses. A raus is a rat-mouse hybrid. We love cheese and hugs!

More about us

Hello! We are the STEW

NordicFuzzCon is solely run by volunteers — they are the heart and soul of our convention.

We call them the STEW, which stands for staff and crew. They work tirelessly all year round to make NFC an amazing experience for everyone.
So feel free to say hi, give them a hug (always ask beforehand), and share your experiences with them!

We also want to thank them for their dedication, passion, and hard work.
They are the ones who make NFC both possible and awesome.

Thank you, STEW!

STEW Group Photo 2024